I recently began to start learning iPhone app development to make my own apps (and hopefuly make some money .
I know how hard it is to step into new terrain so seeing as I’m somewhat a veteran in understanding how iPhone apps work, I decided to post up some resources that I used in order to start learning how to make my own iPhone Apps.
I know how hard it is to step into new terrain so seeing as I’m somewhat a veteran in understanding how iPhone apps work, I decided to post up some resources that I used in order to start learning how to make my own iPhone Apps.
1. Get set up (downloading SDK) – this page includes good information about how to set up and when/why to sign up for the Developer’s Program
2. First start with cocoalab’s free BecomeAnXcoder eBook. Finish about 8 chapters/pages.
3. Move onto cocoadevcentral’s quick Objective-C tutorial until about step 10.
4. Now for Stanford’s online iPhone App Development course page. Finish Assignment1A and Assignment1B by downloading the Assignment1A.pdf and Assignment1B.pdf. When you get stuck (if you get stuck) please do not give up! Persevere and search the documentation (Help > Documentation, in Xcode) for what you’re looking for (by using general keywords).
Getting help for the course material is in the 2nd link.
2nd LINK!
5. Let’s do some actual iPhone Programming! YouTube Beep Tutorial that really helped. I would suggest making the same exact app by yourself right after watching the video.
6. YouTube Beep Tutorial #2.
7. Make a similar app to the Beep Tutorial Videos but this is good practice since Xcode and Interface Builder are different from other tools conceptually. Better video quality too, if I remember correctly.
8. I was totally surprised with this site because its design makes it look like a total scam website but its definitely legit. High quality videos that (unfortunately) have to be played in full screen mode. Buy an extra monitor, monitors are pretty cheap now – a very useful computer accessory IMO. Anyway, yeah, many videos and they’re good quality though I have seen the instructor make quite a big of mistakes :S
9. Work through some books.
Objective-C Book LINK!
iPhone SDK Book LINK!
10. Select a project to work on or continue to work with the Stanford CS193P Course. Videos (of the course) are available on iTunes U.
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